Custom Internetworking (CiNet) includes up to 5 mb of storage space for you to post your own web page. The following document includes all of the information necessary to post your web page to our server. In order for you to successfully post you web page you will need a CiNet account.

  You will need some sort of ftp software in order for you to up load your pages. We recomend using WS_FTP LE. WS_FTP LE is a free software package and is easy to use. You can download WS_FTP LE from Tucows.

Step 1 - Getting Started
When you open up WS_FTP LE a Session Properties window should pop up. In this window enter in the following information:
  • Profile Name: cinet
  • Host Name/Address:
  • Host Type: Automatic detect
  • User ID: (Your Username)
  • Password: (Your Password)
Click on OK

If you are using another ftp client other then WS_FTP LE you will need to locate where in the client this information needs to be entered. Normally it will be when you first open the client up. While it may be a different client, the information you need to enter in is still the same.

Step 2 - Entering Your html Folder
Now that you are connected to the server you should see two separate fields in the window. One should have the heading Local System, these are the files on your computer. The other should be under the heading Remote System, this is the server where you are uploading the files to. Before you upload your files you need to be in the correct directory. When you first connect to the server it places you in what is callled the root directory. Your web pages are called from the html directory. You should see a folder labeled html in the Remote System window. To enter the html directory double click on the html folder.

Locating Your Files
Now that you are in the correct directory you need to locate the files on your local hard drive. Make sure you know where you have saved the files so you can navigate your Local System to locate them.

Navigating through your Local System in WS_FTP LE is very simple. To go up one level in the directory tree just click on the green arrow in the top of the window . If you need to go into a folder within the directory that you are already in simply double click on the name of the directory.

Uploading Files
Ok, now that you have located the files on your hard drive you are ready to upload them to the server. Once again this is a very simple process.

The first thing that you need to do is click on the file that you wish to upload in the the Local System window. Once it is hilighted click on the arrow in the center of the window that is pointing to the Remote System window , the file will then be uploaded to the server.

Note: If you want to move files from the server to your local machine simply follow the same process with the files in the Remote System window and click on the arrow that is pointing to the Local System window .

Renaming Your Files
By default when you view your web site it is going to look for an index.html file for the start page. If you do not have your initial page named as index.html when you try to go to you will get a file not found error in your web browser.

The solution to this is to either save your start page as index.html when you create it, or to rename it once it has been uploaded to the server.

To rename the file once it has been uploaded simply click on the file in the Remote System window and then click on the Rename button . In the Input window that pops up replace the file name with index.html

Note: The only file that you would need to rename is the file that you want to use as your start page. You do not need to rename every file that you place on the server!

Note: If you rename a file, make sure that you change any references to that file in your other web pages!
  • File names are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
    Most problems resolve around the fact that the file name is not being called correctly because it is not being typed in exactly as it appears in the directory. For example if you have named your start page Index.html your start page will not come up when you go to It needs to be index.html for it to come up correctly.
  • Another common problem is miscalling files.
    Remember your pages are now being accessed of off CiNet's server. Not your hard drive. Make sure that calls to graphic images and other html links reflect this.

If you continue to have additional problems you can contact us at, or by phone at (608) 663-8000.

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